Friday, April 02, 2010

I am posting fave fives in an attempt to get myself to focus.

1. Haiku and Haiga are my favorite things this week. I didn't know I loved them, but working on my library program for next week has led to this discovery. I hope I can get teens to love them, too.

2. My new bed has a book case headboard. I've been sleeping on a mattress and boxspring for about two years, so having a bed is awesome, and book shelves are even better! The only drawback involves a certain cat who likes to use the headboard as a jungle gym around 4 a.m.

3. Flowers are blooming everywhere, including my backyard!

4. This week marked the year hire date for many of us at Green Valley:) I've been a librarian for a year.

5. Easter candy!

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